"I get knocked down but I get up again." The1997 song by Chumbawamba's lyrics are a lot more fun then the original line of "Help, I have fallen and I can't get up." Kara McKeown recently made a video for our social media channels demonstrating the correct way to get up from the ground, if you happen to find yourself down there. Click here for the video.

Follow Kara's steps to get yourself up from the ground.
Step #1 - Do a mental check to make sure everything is okay?
Did you hit your head? Are you bleeding? Do you feel well enough to get up? If you do not feel well enough to get up, call 911 immediately.
Side note - did you know you can TEXT 911?!? I just learned that myself!
Step #2 - Lie on your side and then roll onto your hands and knees.
Step #3 - Crawl over to a table, chair or coffee table.
Step #4 - Bend whichever knee is stronger and place that foot on the floor, coming into a high-kneeling or lunge position.
Step #5 - Holding onto the table, chair or coffee table, place all of your weight on the bent leg. Shift your weight forward and stand up into a squat position.
Step #6 - Hold onto the chair and slowly turn yourself around until you can sit down.
Prevention is the best treatment of all.
So, if you would prefer to keep yourself off the ground all together, it's best to schedule a Fall Risk Evaluation with professionals. Fastest way to have a an in-home safety evaluation is to schedule here:
Home Fall Risk Assessment
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 36 million Americans age 65 and older experience a fall each year. And many of those falls can have serious long-term effects. Of those who fall, 1 in 5 experience broken bones or head injuries that can land them in the hospital. Sadly, if you fall and break your hip over the age of 80, there is a significant likelihood (17-25%) of dying within a year.
What can you expect if we come to your home?
Assess and review any personal risk factors that could cause you to take a tumble.
Review current medications and supplements to determine if they are causing you to be at risk for falling at home.
Identify home hazards, and if possible, remedy them at the same time.
Prioritize and budget for home modifications, so you can spend wisely and stay in your home longer.
Create peace of mind for yourself and your family.