Difficulty sleeping is a problem for so many people, falling asleep, staying asleep, or crazy schedules limiting the amount of sleep hours available. Well, this has been an issue for my Mom, mostly staying asleep. This year for Christmas, my brother and I conducted "operation help Mom sleep". He purchased her a weighted blanket which she reported took a little getting used to but felt calming. I got her a grounding sheet for the bed. The first night she was able to sleep through the entire night and continued to do so for 4 straight nights. Even after waking to use the bathroom, she was able to fall right back to sleep. So far sounds like a success. Â
But why...
Weighted blankets were inspired by a therapeutic technique called deep pressure stimulation, which uses firm, controlled pressure to induce a feeling of calm. Deep pressure stimulation is thought to stimulate the production of our feel good hormone serotonin, reduce the stress hormone (cortisol), and increase levels of melatonin, the hormone that helps you sleep. Use can potentially decrease stress and anxiety/depression, decrease pain, increase alertness, and calm the nervous system.Â
Grounding is a theory which says that when your body makes direct contact with Earth, the planet’s negatively charged electrons connect with the body’s electrical system, leading to an exchange of electrons and neutralizing the acid in the body. The result, per advocates, is lower inflammation, a better mood, and improved sleep, among other benefits.Â
Grounding sheets and mats are made with conductive materials like carbon, silver, or stainless steel blended with cotton or polyester. They plug into the grounded port of an electrical outlet. This allows negatively charged electrons to pass from the earth through the outlet and conductive material to your body when lying or standing on the sheet or mat. This is thought to lead to the same benefits as direct contact with the earth. Benefits could include improved sleep, decreased inflammation, stress relief, improved immune function, and better heart health.
I think a grounding sheet might be in my own future because we can all use better sleep!